Clueless in Australia

I’m given to making outrageous statements and then I have to come in and explain myself. The nature of the blog post – it’s immediate, but it’s chaotic.

This is definitely Chapter Four in the making.

Why are Europeans clueless in Australia? In a nutshell, this country is all about Nature Spirit. And Europeans are Christians. And thus have been taught to view the natural world and its shenanigans as evil, basically. Something to triumph over.

(I remember seeing large marble statues honouring the white male hero who was standing over the slain nature demons, in Paris. Don’t expect details, as I don’t remember any – but feelings of discomfort and irritation, I do remember.)

And white people can be suspicious of black people for that reason as well as just being generally badly behaved about viewing anything different as valid.

I know, it’s not your fault. It’s what you (we) have been carefully taught. White is right, anything else is gobbledygook.

Glorious thing though, European people are clever, and find out for themselves eventually. For example, recent discoveries in cosmic physics are proving the ‘wild’ claims of Aborigines about mysterious universal energies. Aborigines would describe it in their own way, in stories which speak from their experience. But while these things (black holes, dark energy, dark matter, to name the ones I remember off hand) are a huge discovery in white land, black land has known about since forever and have been working with these ‘mysterious’ energies since forever.

Archeologists are doing their bit for the blackfella too. When I was a teenager, Aboriginal people had been here 10,000 years.  So we were told. That date has gradually been pushed back in my lifetime. I expect it to keep going back.

We were here from the beginning, the old fellas say.

I believe them.



Main issues

After the obsessive distraction of making the videos and setting up this blog, I’ve had time to think about what I am doing here.

My main aim is to lift the Aboriginal and Islander welfare and status. One, because it’s fair. Two, because enough is enough. We want Australians to listen. The country is in need of the heart and spirit of the Indigenous people because it’s twisted itself into an awful knot.

The system would work better if the people at the top cared about what really matters. But because of the limitations and excesses of our political system, Australia is a basket case in many ways. I’m not going into it from that angle. That would be other peoples’ jobs.

My concern is that Australia is too busy with its self-made problems to care about what really matters – and that is that native title ought to be protected, sacred sights honoured, funds for Indigenous affairs to go to indigenous people and not the white managers, Ind. rangers placed everywhere and in number, education and much effort to stamp out racism, tell true stories re history, and of course, a treaty to show that mainstream Australia recognises and respects the people and spirit who’s land this all happens on.

What really matters is that Australia is an ancient, delicate land with ancient, delicate needs. Only the ancient people know the delicate secrets which this land thrives upon.

My argument is that Europeans are equipped to manage Europe, but are mostly clueless regarding what Australia is really about. Australia has her own Spirit and that needs acknowledging if the country is to survive.

I don’t dislike Europeans. I am one as well. I am arguing with myself constantly over how wonderful it is to be European. Love the technology. See? There’s my conflict – and Australia’s conflict. Progress at any cost or let’s-think-this-one-through.

And if I keep this up I may not need to make a Chapter Four.

Why ‘colonial’?

The use of ‘colonial’ to describe modern Australia has been questioned. Fair question, too.

I thought long and hard about how to describe post-colonial Australia, which I saw as complicated by the fact that we have many cultures.

Then I realized that, although, we are diverse, there is only one system we have to abide. So, I took a deep breath, and settled on ‘colony’ to describe what we have here. And while most other cultures assimilate in time, the Indigenous people do not always, for all the reasons, and more, that I talk about in the videos.




Just to say that Chapter four is still in the head, and on a zillion pieces of (recycled) paper. So when I feel the blog is done in all its many details, I will move onto the sorting and making of Chapter Four.

Hello Digi-World!

This is the first post of the new-look Inkdin.

There is a new agenda.

Saving Australia, basically.

From itself.

At least, from its colonial mind-set self.

In these posts and pages I hope to inject some new energy into the arguments discussions about the relationship between Indigenous peoples and the rest of Australia.

Positive new energy, I hope, but that remains to be seen.

As my dear, departed mother would say.

She’d also say to watch the videos. They are listed in the top-right menu.

And speaking of mother, she features in Leah King-Smith’s images currently showing in the exhibition ‘So Fine’ at the National Portrait Gallery of Canberra.



An Indigenous Perspective